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Unique Valentine's Day Cards; from Goth to Minimalist

When it comes to Valentine’s Day cards, sometimes you want something more unique and thoughtful than your average CVS Snoopy card (no shade to Snoopy). Scroll on for some cool and different cards that best suite you and your significant other this Valentine’s Day.

For the dark goths, maybe these skeleton lovers holding hands in a coffin will prove your undying love to your person.


The well known Mexican Milagro heart represents love, healing and gratitude. “Milagro” means miracle in Spanish and these charms are usually carried for protection.


This quote is from Emily Bronte’s ‘Wuthering Heights' novel. Those who are truly in love know this sentiment well.


Do you have a hard time formulating into words how much you care for your partner? Try this card where you can hand write in your favorite love song with a time stamp.


Maybe you and your person are more of the Morticia Addams and Gomez types. This black and red Valentine’s Day card is a sweet way to show your gothic lover just how much they mean to you.

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